Tuesday, October 25, 2011


These were my first panoramic pictures using photo shop photomrege.

Monday, October 24, 2011

photo 3: Animal

         In this assignment I tryed to capture the activity of my cats when they where outside and playing.  This assignment was hard in multiple ways.  One way was that they would not stop moving so my pictures would blur a lot.  Another thing that made taking these pictures hard was that balancing the pyramid was extremely hard.  But in the end the Pictures where rewarding.

ISO: 80
F number: 8
Shutter speed: 1/50

Monday, October 17, 2011

photo #2: Nature

         In this assignment I chose nature for many reasons.  One of which was the fact that it is fall an the leaves are changing color.  I also hit many bumps one of which was the fact that it was SUPER UBER! windy and for some shots I laterally had to block the wind.  some aspects of these shots where hard but the product was rewarding.

Daytime lily

F number: 7.1
exposure time: 1/200
ISO: 80

Friday, October 14, 2011

photo #1:motion

In this assignment I tried to recreate my own lighting picture by using motion and my FX star wars lightsaber.  During this assignment I hit many obstacles one of which was actually getting a camera that could change the shutter speed.  Also I had trouble getting the lighting just right.  As well as the motion of the lightsaber.  in the end I still did not com up with exactly what I wanted but was good a nougat to please me.

My best picture of motion.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

sorry due to technical difficulties s this blog will not be posted as of today 10/11/11.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Before and after touch up:

Picture one: original photo
Picture two: touched up photo

      In this assignment we worked on learning how to use adobe photoshop to touchup.  we got a picture of a read sports car and learned how to level, tint and black out the background of the picture using the lasso, levels, and paintbrush tools in photoshop to help get a good picture to a great picture.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

This was a quick demo on panning and motion blur.  This was my result.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Photo assignment 1 inspiration

         For my first assignment I wanted to do motion.  I wanted to do motion for a couple of reasons one of them is that it can make lights stand out and elongate them.  It also can blur a background and focus on a foreground and that will draw your eyes to the subject of the photo or the non-blured part.  As well motion can freeze a picture to give it that stopped in time look.  Here are some inspirational photos of motion I will use.

         These photos will inspire me to take good pictures of motion.  They will also give me my first idea for motion and light.  May I be lucky!